Website change log

Created by Administrator 1633255943 Edited by Administrator 1666203701


This page will contain change log of website

17.7.2022 - Page creation

Page creation is usable with basic functionality. Some elements are planned to be added soon, but new ones can be recommended on forum or on discord server.

3.7.2022 - Most of systems are operational

Most of systems, except page creation and profile customisation are functional. Two mentioned will be available shortly

17.3.2022 - Removed everything from website and started all over again

Removed everything from website in order to create new more stable, secure and faster server side for website.
Future plans will be posted on forum when its ready to be published

17.11.2021 Website profile and profile customization

As of today, there is option to customize profile on website with your custom profile image up to 2MB (jpeg and png formats), your quote of choice and little bit about you

Account customization section
Account preview on website

25.10.2021 - Changed image preview

As today, images can be previewed in full screen mode with single tap or click, and closed by clicking or tapping anywhere on screen
Leaving few images below so you can test this

Electronics image
Web programming image

15.10.2021 - Added search

As today, you are able to search whole website for keywords. For now, only page content is searchable, but search for keywords, page description and page name will come out shortly

Search preview - desktop
Search preview - phone